Fire Procedures
Fires are extremely dangerous, deadly and can spread very fast. If you encounter a fire in your building or residence get out and away from the danger and follow the below procedures.
- Remain calm;
- If you smell or see smoke or fire, activate the nearest fire alarm, if the alarm is not activated automatically.
- Do not attempt to fight the fire yourself unless you have been trained in the use of firefighting equipment and it is safe to do so;
- Evacuate immediately by going to the nearest marked exit;
- Exit quickly and calmly; do not attempt to take anything with you;
- Close, but don't lock door behind you to contain the fire;
- When exiting through a door check the door and handle. If the door or handle is hot to the touch or smoke is present, do not open the door and choose an alternative route;If the fire or smoke keeps you from exiting the building, go to a room far away from the fire, shut the door, open a window and signal for help by waving an article of clothing or making loud noises. If possible, try to seal the bottom of the door with an article of clothing (jacket, etc.) to prevent smoke from entering the room. Call 911 to report your situation;
- Exit via stairwells only. Do NOT attempt to use elevators;
- Assist disabled persons or others who may need assistance. if you cannot assist others direct emergency personnel to them;
- Do not let the fire and heavy smoke come between you and an exit. Choose an alternate route if fire and heavy smoke is in your path;
- If caught in heavy smoke, take short breaths, crouch down or crawl as close to the floor and wall as possible;
- Once outside and a safe distance from the building, call 911. The following information should be given to the dispatcher:
- Location of the situation;
- Description of the situation (i.e. fire, smoke in building, alarm sounding);
- Your name;
- Remember:
- Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel;
- An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) may be setup near the emergency site. Keep clear of the EOC unless you have important information to report;
- Return to the building only when instructed to do so by a CMU Official or other emergency personnel;
- Everyone should be alert to potential fire hazards: frayed electric cords, defective power strips, electrical overloads, coffee pots left on, etc. Report any potential hazards to a CMU Official.
Fire Safety Information
To provide safe and secure living and learning environments, CMU has taken a proactive stance in regards to fire safety. Fire suppression systems (sprinklers) have been installed in most university facility (rooms and common areas). The systems are connected to a fire alarm system that are monitored 24 hours a day by Plant Operations and campus safety. Additionally, fire extinguishers and fire escape route maps are located at strategic locations throughout each facility. All fire safety systems are inspected and tested regularly by our Plant Operations Department. In addition to monthly fire extinguisher inspections conducted throughout campus, CMU is contracted with a local fire safety company to inspect and service fire extinguishers annually. CMU also conducts campus wide fire drills twice a year to ensure that the campus community understands fire evacuation procedures for their respective facility. Resident Assistants and other Student Leaders receive additional fire safety training by local university officials.
Fire Safety Report and Statistics
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) Fire Safety Excerpt enacted on August 14, 2008, requires any institution that maintains on-campus student housing facilities to publish an Annual Fire Safety Report that contains information about campus fire safety practices and standards of the institution. Definitions for the fire safety terms used within the Annual Fire Safety Report are included in the Annual Fire Safety Report. Through the Annual Fire Safety Report, the University's goal is to educate community members about fire and life safety and to prevent fire emergencies. Plant Operations/Safety and Security works in conjunction with Fayette volunteer Fire Department to protect the University community from fire and fire hazards. (Applies to the Fayette Campus Only)
Fire Statistics
Plant Operations/Safety and Security maintains a database of all reported fires and fire alarms, and a fire log of all fires that occur in all on-campus student housing facilities. The fire log is included as part of the University's daily crime log. Daily crime and fire logs are maintained at Plant Operations/Safety and Security, and are available for review by the public during regular business hours (8:00am - 6:00pm) or online. Data collected includes, but is not limited to, the building name; alarm location; time and date; the number and cause of each fire; any and all injuries; any fatalities; and dollar values for property damaged by the fire. The report documents all fire incidents for on-campus student housing facilities for the three most recent calendar years.
Description of Student Housing Fire Safety Systems
The annual fire safety report provides a description of the On-Campus Student Housing Fire Safety Systems: a list of all on campus student residence halls, their fire suppression and detection systems, and the number of fire drills conducted.
Fire Safety Policies and Procedures
In addition to the physical security features of each residence hall, the University provides a number of life safety features in most on campus student housing; these include: sprinklers, kitchen fire suppression systems, fire alarm systems, fire extinguishers, and pull stations.
Tampering with Fire Systems: Misuse of the fire alarm system, sounding of a false alarm, or tampering with other safety equipment such as fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. The minimum disciplinary level for this offense is Level Five plus police involvement up to Level Six. See the student handbook for details.
Fire Safety Systems in Residential Facilities (Fayette Campus Only)
Facility Fire Alarm Fire Alarm Monitoring Done On-Site (Plant Operations) Sprinkler System Fire Extinguishers Smoke Detector tied to main FACP Smoke Detector with battery backup Smoke Detector in each room Evacuation Plans Number of Evacuation (Fire) Drills each Calendar Year.
Residence Hall | Sprinkler System | Fire Alarm | Fire Extinguishers | Smoke Detectors tied to main FACP | Smoke Detectors with battery backup | Smoke Detectors in each room | Evacuation Plans | Number of drills each calendar year |
Woodward Hall | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | 2 |
McMurry Hall | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 2 |
Burford Hall | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | 2 |
Holt Hall | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | 2 |
Howard-Payne Hall | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 2 |
Student Housing | ||||||||
Mulberry St. Apts. | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | 0 |
315 N. Mulberry | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | 0 |
407 N. Mulberry | NO | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | 0 |
The University takes life safety issues very seriously and regularly consults with the Fayette Volunteer Fire Department on issues relating to fire safety. In cooperation with the Fayette Volunteer Fire Department, CMU conducts fire drills during the calendar year for each on-campus residential facility. A fire drill refers to a supervised practice of a mandatory evacuation of a building for a fire.
Policies and/or Rules on Portable Electronic Appliances, Smoking and Open Flames in Student Housing Facilities
As part of our institutional fire safety and prevention efforts, CMU has implemented the following policies/rules:
Portable Electrical Appliances
The following Items are not permitted in on campus residential facilities:
- For fire safety reasons, CMU prohibits the use of any open-coiled appliance any place in residence halls other than the designated cooking areas. "Open-coil" refers to all hot plates, toasters of any sort, portable or camping stoves, pizza cooker, and anything else with an open flame or coil.
- Portable space heaters
- Electric, propane gas or charcoal grills
- Halogen lamps are not allowed in resident hall rooms or organization meeting rooms
- Flammable liquids of gases
- Smoking
- Smoking: Smoking is not permitted in any building on campus. CMU is a tobacco free campus.
- Open Flames
- Open Flames: Candles are not to be used or displayed on campus. Linn Memorial UMC Parish House and Sanctuary, and the Jacobs Conference Center may be exempt from this regulation in unique circumstances with approval of the Provost.
Education and Training
- Students are provided information every semester on what to do in the event of a fire. Residence hall fire drills are conducted every semester and fire procedures are reviewed during residence hall meetings. Students are also encouraged to sign-up for the University text notification system, Eagle Alerts.
- Faculty and staff are provided information every semester on what to do in the event of a fire. A campus-wide fire drill is conducted annually during the academic year. Residence hall directors and assistants are provided formal training on the use of a fire extinguisher. All faculty and staff are encouraged to sign-up for the University mass notification system.
- Although there are many different types of fire extinguishers, they operate in a similar manner. Become familiar with fire extinguisher locations on campus as well as the proper use of a fire extinguisher before there is an emergency. Learning to properly use a fire extinguisher my save your life and others around you. Learn more about how to properly use a fire extinguisher
Students in On-Campus Housing
Students are encouraged to know where the closest emergency exits are in relationship to their room. Fire evacuation routes are posted near all exits and stairwells. In the event of an emergency involving a residential facility, evacuation may be required. If a fire alarm is annunciating in a residence hall, students must immediately exit the building using the stairwells. Do not use the elevators in a fire emergency. If you are stuck in an elevator during a fire, you should use the emergency phone, which will contact emergency services. If you see smoke or see fire and the fire alarm system has not activated, pull the nearest pull station as you leave the building. You should proceed immediately to the nearest emergency exit. not investigate the cause of the fire.
Do not try to bring any items with you. Once outside of the building move away from the building to a safe location and remain there. Responding emergency personnel will evaluate the emergency and take appropriate action to address the situation. No reentry into the building is allowed until the authorized emergency responders declare the building safe.
Staff in On-Campus Student Housing
Residential Life staff, such as Residence Hall Directors, and other employees must know the emergency evacuation procedures in the event of a fire. Fire evacuation routes are posted near all exits and stairwells. If a fire alarm is annunciating, you should immediately evacuate the building using the stairwells and the nearest fire exit. As you leave, close all doors behind you to limit the movement of smoke, flames or noxious odors. No one should use the elevators in a fire emergency. If stuck in an elevator during a fire, immediately use the emergency phone, which will contact emergency services. If you see smoke or see fire and the fire alarm system has not activated, pull the nearest pull station as you leave the building. Do not investigate the cause of the fire. Once outside of the building make sure all students and employees move away from the building to a safe location and remain there. Responding emergency personnel will evaluate the emergency and take appropriate action to address the emergency. No reentry into the building is allowed until the authorized emergency responders declare the building safe.
Fire Incident Reporting
Report a Fire in progress
All individuals are instructed to dial 911 and then call Plant Operations/Safety and Security during normal business hours 660-248-6295 or 660-202-0848 after normal business hours, weekends and holidays in the event of a fire emergency. Any fire in progress in any building on campus should be reported immediately to the Fayette Volunteer Fire Department by dialing 911.
Report a Fire that has occurred
If a fire has already been extinguished, students, faculty, and staff should call Plant Operations/Safety and Security, once safe, during normal business hours 660-248-6295 or 660-202-0848 after normal business hours, weekends and holidays to report that a fire occurred in on-campus student housing or other campus facility. These are fires for which you are unsure whether Plant Operations/Safety and Security may already be aware. If you find evidence of such a fire or you hear about such a fire, contact the Plant Operations/Safety and Security and provide as much information as possible about the location, date, time, and cause of the fire.
Plans for Future Improvements in Fire Safety
CMU continues to monitor trends related to residence hall fire incidents and alarms to provide a fire safe living environment for all students. New programs and policies are developed as needed to ensure the safety of all students, faculty and staff. As existing buildings are renovated and new buildings are completed, they are equipped with state of the art life safety systems.